Key Points of Ultra Filtration Plant

UF process applied to water treatment becomes an awesome technology worldwide to produce drinking water. It uses a finely porous membrane to separate water and micro solutes from colloids. It is an effective method of removing particulates that can foul reverse osmosis membranes. This technology has larger pores and high permeability with less osmotic effects.  It can be used to reject virus, bacteria, and particulates. It is capable of exceeding regulatory standards of water quality therefore achieving 90-100% of pathogens removal. It is used to pre treat surface water and biologically treated municipal water upstream of the RO unit. Ultrafiltration Plant is an ideal plant for purifying wastewater. Its membranes can be fabricated essentially in one of two forms i.e. tubular or flat sheet. This plant is being used worldwide for treating various water sources.
Key Points of Ultra Filtration Plant:
·     This plant is used in many industrial applications such as food industries and also in hotels, restaurants etc.
·         It removes protozoa and some viruses from the water. 
·         It provides safe, clean or drinkable water.
·    With this plant, separation can be performed at low pressures, and colloids can be effectively removed.
·         This plant is designed in different sizes and it is available in reasonable prices


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